7 Ways to Guard and Repair Relationships

7 Ways to Guard and Repair Relationships

Pastor Ray Ortlund offers the following “Seven ways we can guard and repair relationships:”

1. Let’s rejoice in one another, because the Lord rejoices in us.

2. Let’s create an environment of trust rather than negative scrutiny.

3. Let’s judge ourselves, even as we give each other the benefit of the doubt.

4. If a problem must be addressed, let’s talk to, not about. Gossip destroys.

5. If a problem must be addressed, let’s avoid blanket statements but identify factual specifics, offer a positive path forward and preserve everyone’s dignity.

6. Let’s extend kindness.

7. When we wrong another, let’s admit it: “What I did to you was wrong. I am sorry. By God’s grace, I won’t do that again. Is there anything I can do now, to make up for it?”

Visit the original article (here) to read his brief explanation of each.

Questions for application:
1. How does Jesus model each of these in his treatment of us?
2. How does believing that God is for us in Christ free us to do each of these?
3. What relationships do you need to begin applying these to today?