Lottie Moon Emphasis

Lottie Moon Emphasis


A few years ago, Pastor Steve Lakin’s small church took a big leap of faith. They had a large budget

surplus, and they weren’t sure how to use it. But after some praying and dreaming, First Baptist Church

of Andersonville, Tennessee, congregation of 125, decided to commit to something radical. They decided to raise $90,000, the equivalent to fund a missionary couple for a year.

To help his church members connect their efforts with a real missionary need, Steve called the IMB, who connected him with Kyle and Amber Wilkins (names changed), IMB missionaries headed to an unreached people group in East Asia. The Wilkenses would be the “face” of the need for the people of First Baptist, Steve said. That year, the church gave the $90,000 with the Wilkenses in mind.

Ever since then, on a day the church calls “sacrificial Sunday,” the congregation raises the entire $90,000 to fund the couple for another year. It has caused a cultural shift in the church, Steve explained—people are more involved in giving and going too. “We’re just a small church, but through our giving to the IMB, we see how God is using us.”

PRAY for churches to envision how their gifts to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® directly power the gospel going out to unreached people groups.

PRAY for more and more believers to rise up as sacrificial supporters.


Day 2: A Small Church’s Big Dreams from IMB on Vimeo.