Children’s Ministry

Children’s Ministry

Just like the foundation of your home, the spiritual foundation that is laid in the hearts of children is critical to everything that follows. The spiritual foundations we lay help to shape who they will be for the rest of their lives. The Children’s Ministry at Grand desires to raise up future generations that will speak of God’s awesome deeds and declare His greatness. We partner with parents in teaching Christ-focused and gospel-centered curriculum that emphasizes the story of redemption through Jesus as seen in both the Old and New Testaments.

One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate. They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds, and I will declare your greatness. They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of your righteousness.

— Psalm 145:4–7

Download the  Children’s Ministry 2024-2025 Calendar

Foundations for Children

Foundations for Children meets every Sunday, 10:00-11:00 AM

This year’s curriculum for elementary children is entitled Treasuring Christ.

Treasuring Christ is a comprehensive curriculum that strengthens children and families by teaching them the gospel from Genesis to Revelation. The vision of the curriculum is  to spread the fame of God by equipping godly generations to treasure Christ through a Gospel-centered curriculum for the church, the home, and the nations. Kindergarten through 5th grade will meet during the Foundations Hour for the school calendar year.

We are privileged to join with you in training your children to grow in their relationship with the Lord.  Since preschool and elementary children will all be studying the same lesson each week, we hope this will promote great conversations and teaching opportunities within each family.   It’s our prayer that God will be honored and glorified throughout this year.

Useful Links

GABC Child Safeguarding Policy

Download the Children’s Foundations Schedule  TREASURING CHRIST YEAR SIX


Join us for our 2024-2025 grow252 meetings.   Contact our office for more information.

Welcome to a new year of grow 2:52!  We are excited you will be joining us for some fun activities during our mid-week meetings.   We will meet from 6:30 – 8:00 pm on Wednesday evenings.
This year we will be studying, Fight the Good Fight, a study for children on persevering in faith.  Fighting the fight of faith is a difficult struggle but God has promised His children victory.  This year we will identify battlegrounds that your child may fight upon such as:  unbelief, pride, rebellion, spirit of fear and self. But we won’t leave them without hope.  We will also study strategies and look at Scriptures that will help them fight by:  being prepared, resisting the enemy, renewing their minds, not compromising, etc.
      Our memory verse emphasis will be Ephesians 6:10-20.  Your child will be given cards to help them memorize and review these verses.  Thanks for your assistance in helping them store God’s Word in their hearts.
         It’s our prayer that this study and memory work will help your children grow as Jesus grew as stated in our theme verse from Luke 2:52:
Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men”

We look forward to a year of grow252 with you and your child!

Useful Links

Unique Summertime Offerings

Vacation Bible School

The 2024 Summer Children’s Ministry and Youth and Adult Education Ministries will be hosting Vacation Bible School at GABC.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL:  July 14-17 Grand Avenue will host a Vacation Bible School for the entire family – Preschool through Adults. From 6:30 -8:00 those evenings we will look at Romans 12:1-2 and learn about renewing our minds. We will discuss the lies that our culture might seek to convince us of and then look at the truth from God’s Word that refutes the lie. Plan to join us!

VBS KICKOFF SUNDAY JULY 14TH: Help us kickoff the VBS program for this summer and join us for a Walking Taco meal at 5;30 PM, July 14th. Note: VBS will typically start at 6:30 the other evenings but this night is different since we invite your entire family to join us for the meal. Also, we will conclude VBS with an Ice Cream Sundae night immediately after the conclusion of VBS on Wednesday, July 17th.  Bring your spiritual and physical appetites and plan to join us for VBS 2024!

Lunch With A Bunch

The 2024 Summer Lunch With A Bunch Schedule is available at this link 2024 Lunch With A Bunch