Stay up-to-date with what’s happening at GABC by subscribing to our email lists. In general, subscribers will receive information and announcements from ministry leaders about events at Grand Avenue Baptist Church.
How to Subscribe — To subscribe, click the title of email group. This will take you to the group page. Then click either “Apply for Membership” or “Subscribe to this group” and complete the pop-up form. Once your subscription is approved, you’ll receive a confirmation email welcoming you to the group. (Should you have trouble, simply email and let us know which groups you’d like to subscribe to and we’ll do the rest.)
General Lists
Announcements — Subscribers to will receive general announcements and reminders pertaining to whole-church events.
Members — Subscribers to will receive announcements and information pertaining to member-only matters and events at GABC. This is list is open only to members of GABC.
Prayer — Subscribers to will receive a copy of our weekly prayer list and may post prayer requests related to GABC events and ministries, members and immediate family, and missionaries. Due to the potentially confidential nature of requests, this is list is open only to GABC members.
GABCshare — GABCshare is an open list through which attendees may share miscellaneous announcements, needs, invitations, etc. (examples: moving help needed, playdates, furniture giveaway/needs, birthday parties). We ask that you not post items related to sales, politics, theological debates, grievances, etc.
Children’s Ministries
To receive information on Children’s Foundations, grow252, and other children’s ministries, please contact our church office (phone, email).
Youth Ministry
Youth — Subscribers to will receive information from youth ministry leadership pertaining to youth ministry items and events at GABC.
College Ministry
College — Subscribers to will receive information from college ministry leadership pertaining to college ministry items and events at GABC.
Women’s and Men’s Ministry
Women — Subscribers to will receive information from women’s ministry leadership pertaining to women’s ministry items.
Men — Subscribers to will receive information from men’s ministry leadership pertaining to men’s ministry items.