The Bible movie

The Bible movie

Have you been keeping up with the mini series The Bible?  I am amazed at the response it has generated. Most of the reviews I have read have been pretty favorable.  Many critics acknowledge that the producers took some poetic license in places by venturing the text and instead went for being cool.  My response to Hollywood producing stories on the Bible have always been overly critical.  I look at the Bible as the one piece of literature that you are not allowed to take and change or add to it in order to make it more interesting.  You see the Bible is not just a collection of independent stories, it is the one redemptive story that contains a meta narrative that is overlooked unless you are taught how to see it.  This is why the Old Testament can often be turned into a book of moralistic stories, ethics and law and completely miss the Gospel. When viewed this way, Jesus’ atonement on the cross looks like God’s “plan B”.  How can Hollywood producers capture the meta narrative when so many preachers miss it?  Just remember as you watch the series on The Bible that we should never expect Hollywood to do the job of Christians.

You can also check out this review at The Gospel Coalition’s website: