Discipleship & the Coronavirus
Discipleship & the Coronavirus: As a Business Owner (Part 2)
This is part of our series, Discipleship & the Coronavirus, featuring posts written by GABC members on what God is teaching them during the coronavirus pandemic. You may read the entire series here. by Duane Jensen [Editor’s note: Duane began Part 1 on March 30, as COVID precautions were…
Discipleship & the Coronavirus: As a Business Owner (Part 1)
This is part of our series, Discipleship & the Coronavirus, featuring posts written by GABC members on what God is teaching them during the coronavirus pandemic. You may read the entire series here. by Duane Jensen [Editor’s note: Duane began Part 1 on March 30, as COVID precautions were…
Discipleship & the Coronavirus: Pregnant in a Pandemic
This is part of our series, Discipleship & the Coronavirus, featuring posts written by GABC members on what God is teaching them during the coronavirus pandemic. You may read the entire series here. by Ashley Hoobler Many people have asked me if I’m nervous about being pregnant in this rapidly…
Discipleship & the Coronavirus: Growing in Love
This is part of our series, Discipleship & the Coronavirus, featuring posts written by GABC members on what God is teaching them during the coronavirus pandemic. You may read the entire series here. by Jim Carpenter If I didn’t have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, I think…
Discipleship & the Coronavirus: Keeping Our Bearings
This is part of our series, Discipleship & the Coronavirus, featuring posts written by GABC members on what God is teaching them during the coronavirus pandemic. You may read the entire series here. by Tim Lubinus The one who trusts in himself is a fool, but one who walks in wisdom will be…
Discipleship & the Coronavirus: Lessons from Scripture Memory
This is part of our series, Discipleship & the Coronavirus, featuring posts written by GABC members on what God is teaching them during the coronavirus pandemic. You may read the entire series here. by Darlene Lubinus A year ago, on April 19th, I made a bold and intimidating commitment: I…
Discipleship & the Coronavirus: Lessons from an Infectious Disease Worker
This is part of our series, Discipleship & the Coronavirus, featuring posts written by GABC members on what God is teaching them during the coronavirus pandemic. You may read the entire series here. by David Baum (David serves at Iowa State University’s Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory) This is…
Discipleship & the Coronavirus: Lessons from a Parent
This is part of our series, Discipleship & the Coronavirus, featuring posts written by GABC members on what God is teaching them during the coronavirus pandemic. You may read the entire series here. by Emily Jensen What am I learning as a parent of young children during a pandemic? As a mom of…
Discipleship & the Coronavirus: Lessons from a Couple Separated from Family
This is part of our series, Discipleship & the Coronavirus, featuring posts written by GABC members on what God is teaching them during the coronavirus pandemic. You may read the entire series here. by Paul and Lighton Otyama As we wrote this, we had to check our calendar to remind ourselves.…
Discipleship & the Coronavirus: Lessons from a Humanitarian Worker
This is part of our series, Discipleship & the Coronavirus, featuring posts written by GABC members on what God is teaching them during the coronavirus pandemic. You may read the entire series here. by a Humanitarian Worker Serving in Asgard There’s nothing inherently spiritual about…
Discipleship & the Coronavirus: Lessons from an At-Risk Adult
This is part of our series, Discipleship & the Coronavirus, featuring posts written by GABC members on what God is teaching them during the coronavirus pandemic. You may read the entire series here. by Dixie Carpenter As a person in the higher risk category—over 60 and with an underlying health…
Discipleship & the Coronavirus: Lessons from a Single
This is part of our series, Discipleship & the Coronavirus, featuring posts written by GABC members on what God is teaching them during the coronavirus pandemic. You may read the entire series here. by Amanda Chipman So far, during the pandemic, I find myself grateful for God’s past, present,…
Discipleship & the Coronavirus: Lessons from a Child
This is part of our series, Discipleship & the Coronavirus, featuring posts written by GABC members on what God is teaching them during the coronavirus pandemic. You may read the entire series here. by Brece Call (10) What am I learning as a child during the coronavirus pandemic? In 2…
Discipleship & the Coronavirus: Lessons from Grandparents
This is part of our series, Discipleship & the Coronavirus, featuring posts written by GABC members on what God is teaching them during the coronavirus pandemic. You may read the entire series here. by Debbie and Terry Martens What are we learning as we walk through this time of COVID 19 as…
Discipleship & the Coronavirus: Lessons from a Pastor (Part 2)
This is part of our series, Discipleship & the Coronavirus, featuring posts written by GABC members on what God is teaching them during the coronavirus pandemic. You may read the entire series here. by Pastor Michael Felkins In Part 1, I addressed two viruses—the coronavirus and the virus of…
Discipleship & the Coronavirus: Lessons from a Pastor (Part 1)
This is part of our series, Discipleship & the Coronavirus, featuring posts written by GABC members on what God is teaching them during the coronavirus pandemic. You may read the entire series here. by Pastor Michael Felkins Many years ago, in a Biblical Counseling class, I remember Paul Tripp…