Sad News, Acts 29 Disciplines Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill Churches

Sad News, Acts 29 Disciplines Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill Churches

I do not take any pleasure in this report.  I hope it can be resolved but sometimes things like this cannot be avoided and sadly the parting of ways occurs.  Paul and Barnabas parted ways and the church grew.  They mended their fences later but I am sure it was a painful experience at the time.  Hopefully this can happen here too.

Acts 29 Church Planting Network disciplines Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill by removing them from the church planting network he co-founded. This had to be difficult to do because all of those men who did this were friends yet faithfulness to God and His word are of ultimate importance. I do not know the whole story behind why Acts 29 disciplined Mark and Mars Hill but one thing is for sure some high profile Christians leaders walked away from them: Paul Tripp, James McDonald, Matt Chandler and Darrin Patrick just to name a few. I am confident those men are still friends but where the reputation of Christ and His church are concerned, sometimes we have to do the hard things.  Also when theology morphs into something not biblical (my conclusion from listening to Driscoll over the years), we may can somewhat stay friends but it definitely means we cannot partner together for the sake of the gospel.