Lottie Moon Emphasis

Lottie Moon Emphasis

Every single week, Pastor Fabio in Brazil makes it into the prayers of a few hundred people in Kentucky. Chris Platt, pastor of Highland Baptist Church in Shelbyville, says that’s because they’ve met Fabio—and that in turn has made missions personal.

Ever since Chris’s church partnered with the work of IMB missionaries Scott and Joyce Pittman in Sao Paulo, Brazil, several years ago, the needs there have had faces and names. As the people of Highland Baptist have traveled annually to carry out outreach in the city of 22 million, it’s made them see their part in “the whole ball of wax” that is the Great Commission, Chris said.

“You’ve got missionaries doing what they can and the church doing what we can,” he said. “When you go out into their city and meet the people, your love for missions just comes alive. You give more, you pray more, and you think more about missions.”

PRAY for missionaries like Scott and Joyce Pittman to be effective in strategizing ways to reach big cities with the gospel.

PRAY for church partners to rise up and be a piece of the missions puzzle through praying, giving, and going.