Lottie Moon Missions Emphasis

Lottie Moon Missions Emphasis

Larry Pepper was on a trajectory. He was a NASA flight surgeon who was good at this job, active in his church, involved as a dad—and possibly headed for space. It wouldn’t be long before he ended up as a candidate finalist for a space mission. But God interrupted his plans. As Larry thought more and more about his life and its eternal significance, he felt God saying, “You’ve committed everything to me except your job.” It soon became evident God was drawing him to walk away.

“I was beginning to see the world through God’s eyes in terms of lostness,” Larry said. “For me, that meant seeing if I could use my medical skills in a way that had more kingdom impact.”

So more than two decades ago, he; his wife, Sally; and their three children packed up and moved to
Africa—first to Uganda, then Lesotho and Tanzania. Over the years the Peppers have spent countless hours at the bedside of the hurting, leading them to lasting hope in Christ.

“We have seen God’s faithfulness throughout all of these years as we’ve worked here, “ Larry said. “it has been humbling and incredible to watch.”

PRAY for Larry and Sally to maintain endurance in their medical ministry and have open doors to disciple the people they meet.

PRAY for God to call out more workers to leave the United States and serve among the unreached overseas. Pray for them to be sensitive to His leading and obedient to the call.