Sermon Guides for Young Children

Sermon Guides for Young Children

We are thankful for the privilege of partnering with parents to reach the next generation with the Gospel. To that end, we want to provide resources that will help children engage with the Word of God.

Two “Children’s Sermon Guides” (download) will be available in the Welcome Center throughout the duration of our series on The Cross. Parents who would like their children to use them may pick one up before the service.

One side of the guide is geared toward children in grades K–1, the other for grades 2–5. They feature a variety of boxes in which children can draw pictures or take notes as they listen. To help parents think through how to use the guides, we’ve prepared these “Tips for Using the Children’s Sermon Guides” (click link to download).

After the series on The Cross, we’ll ask for feedback from those who used them. Please keep notes on what you found helpful or unhelpful on the guide, what edits you might suggest, and what you found helpful in use with your children. If your feedback communicates that it was helpful, we may make edits and continue using it.

We pray the Lord fills your children with His joy as they hear and believe the Gospel.

Special thanks to MacArthur Blvd Baptist Church for permission to use the study guide.