How Smartphones Hijack Our Minds

How Smartphones Hijack Our Minds

In a recent article in the Wall Street Journal Nicholas Carr gives some troubling research about the impact of smartphone on our ability to concentrate. He reveals that students who have access to smartphones in class drop one letter grade. The impact of smartphones on us and our culture is yet to be known.  Their impact will unfold in the next 10 to 15 years. There are so many unknowns about the longterm impact of this technology so I hope we will proceed with caution. I also hope you will read his article and consider its findings.

In addition, to this article, I heartily recommend a reading Tony Reinke’s book: “12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You.” Reinke writes a wonderfully helpful book. In the Introduction of the book, he lays out an excellent gospel-centered theology of technology. If nothing else the book is worth the Introduction.

Finally as we think about smartphones and technology let’s make sure we do not become slaves to tech but instead, like any of the tools we use, lets make sure is serves for the glory of God in our lives (1 Cor. 10:31). There is no need for “technophobia” but instead a biblical approach to technology is needed and this requires us to not be distracted long enough to think deeply about smartphones and all the tech in our lives so that we (and our families) will flourish with the wonderful gifts God has given us in technology.

In Christ,
Pastor Michael