Sermon Study Guide: Titus Overview

Sermon Study Guide: Titus Overview


This Sunday, Pastor Michael will begin a new sermon series through the book of Titus. The first sermon will be an overview of the book – “How the Gospel Gives Order to the Church.”

Pastor Michael has prepared a brief guide to help listeners prepare for the sermon in advance. The text is below. (It may also be downloaded: Titus Overview – Preparation Guide for May 31)


Dear Church,

I will begin preaching through the letter of Titus this coming Sunday. A sermon schedule will be posted on the website and may be posted even as I type. My goal is to send out some reading tips early in the week as we prepare for each sermon. I hope these reading tips give you some mental hooks on which to hang biblical truths that we work through Titus.

Titus is such a rich little letter. Paul wrote this letter to Titus who he considered to be his spiritual son. We often think of Titus as a young pastor but that may not be true. What we do know is that it was a young church and that Titus, having been under Paul’s mentorship, was charged with finishing the task of putting things in order (Titus 1:5). The letter was most likely written in the mid 60’s. Like I said, we do not know how old this church plant was but that was some unfinished business, which Paul left for Titus to complete.

A couple of things plagued the Createn church: Licentiousness: reckless, godless, rule-free living and Legalism: dutiful, strict, dry, religious living. We might think of these two ways to live as ditches with the gospel as the center of the road. Titus was left in Crete to set things in gospel- order so that the people would stay out of these two ditches, which would leave them stuck. What complicated Titus ministry was that there were false teachers in the church that wanted people stuck in one of these two ditches. Titus’ job was not an easy one.

So as you read this short letter only three chapters, I want you to notice a few things:

  1. What verse reveals Paul’s purpose for writing?
  2. What were the things that were to be put in order in the church?
  3. As you read through the book, underline or circle places where Titus or the elders or teachers were instructed to teach or preach. For example, in Titus 1, Titus and the elders were commanded by the Holy Spirit to “instruct”, “silence” and “rebuke”. Verse 13 actually says to “rebuke them sharply”. Here is one you might miss in 3:8 Titus is commanded to “insist on these things”. (I think you will be amazed how many time the Spirit is commanding Titus and the leaders to teach, preach and instruct.)
  4. What were the things causing disorder in the church? (list the behavior in detail)
  5. Finally give some attention to the structure of the letter. Where is the gospel explained in great detail in the actual letter? What comes before and after the explanation? How is the location of the gospel relevant to the message of this letter?

This is probably good for now. To be continued on Sunday, Lord willing.

Pastor Michael