Adult Foundations Class Schedule — Fall 2015

Adult Foundations Class Schedule — Fall 2015

We’re excited to start another ‘semester’ of adult Foundations. Below you will find an outline of our schedule, with a brief description of the classes to be offered.

August 30 — Summer Updates from Alex Felkins and Jenna Peterson
GABC members Alex and Jenna will updates us on their summer mission projects. We will meet in room 102.

September 6 — The Gospel Blimp film
We will view and discuss the 40-minute film, The Gospel Blimp (made in 1967), based the short story of the same name by Joseph Bayley, which offers humorous insights on evangelism and mission in our lives.

September 13—December 20 — Foundations Classes
This fall we will offer two adult class options. Neither class follows a published curriculum; class session material will be developed by the facilitators.

Foundations of Biblical Community (Room 102 | Facilitated by Steve Trabue)
This class will overview the Bible’s teaching on Community in three sections. “Biblical Foundations of Community” will examine how community is seen and developed in the Old Testament, the New Testament, and in the Local Church. It will then examine the “Fruit of Christian Community,” with special attention on Gratitude, Promise-Keeping, Truth-Telling, Hospitality, and Peace-Making. It will then examine the “Structure of Christian Community,” particularly in the local church areas of congregationalism, elders, deacons, membership, preaching, prayer, the ordinances, and church discipline.

Galatians (Room 202 | Facilitated by Eric Schumacher)
This class will study, passage-by-passage, through Paul’s letter to the Galatians. It will focus on the major themes of the letter, which include: justification by faith, the divinity of Christ, freedom from sin through Christ’s death and resurrection, living the Christian life by dependence upon the Spirit, and the relationship between the Old Covenant Law and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Participants will be encouraged to draw their beliefs from careful reading of the text, to make appropriate applications to life today, and to share what they learn with others outside of class.

For more information on Foundations, please download this very brief overview of our Foundations Vision. We will be producing soon an updated brochure and webpage overviewing Foundations for you to use in inviting guests and neighbors to join you.