A Note for This Sunday’s Sermon

A Note for This Sunday’s Sermon

Dear Church,

This coming Sunday we will be in Prov. 30.  I will not be covering Prov. 27-29, except to give you the main points of those chapters.  The reason we will not cover them is that we have covered them in other sermons and it would be too repetitive to work through them.  In many ways to cover Prov. 30 helps us get to the wisdom in Prov. 27-29.

So here is your assignment:
1. Read Prov. 30 and identify its wisdom, then read through Prov. 27-29 and discover the wisdom of Prov. 30 found in those chapters.

2.  Remember this last section of Proverbs (25-31) is most likely the wisdom that helped King Hezekiah reform Judah.  In other words it was wisdom that transformed his heart and helped him to lead the people return to God and strengthen God’s covenant people.

We are all in constant need to returning to God.  We are prone to wander and we need God’s wisdom to rivet out hearts to God and His word.  Let the wisdom in Prov. 30 help you fix your eyes on Jesus, the Ultimate King who transforms our hearts.

I look forward to seeing you Sunday!

Hold Fast,
Pastor Michael