Bulletin for March 5, 2017

Bulletin for March 5, 2017


March 5 2017 Bulletin


COLLEGE LUNCH: College lunch TODAY, March 5th. Whatever the weather, the food will be delicious, and the fellowship warm. So come and join us immediately after the service in the fellowship hall!

 MEMBERS MEETING: TODAY, March 5, at 4:00 pm there will be a members meeting. The agenda is: Prayer, Song, Approval of Agenda & Previous Meeting Minutes, Membership Updates, Reports (Financial, Elder, Ministry) Share & Prayer Time, Closing Prayer, Doxology and Adjourn.

FOUNDATIONS CLASS: Today was the start of the Spring quarter Foundations class – a study in the book of Matthew. Pastor Eric will lead the class. The schedule is on the back page of the bulletin and available online.

MEMBERSHIP CLASS: Our next Foundations of Membership Class is scheduled for March 15 at 6:00 pm in the D-Building Conference Room. Let us know of your interest via our on-line form (outrageous-unicorn.flywheelsites.com/membership) or by contacting Eric Schumacher (eric@grand-avenue.org).