Blog (Page 24)

Blog (Page 24)

Praying for International Missions Week 2

As we continued to pray for International Missions through December 2017 and January 2018 this week’s focus is: BAGBY FAMILY IN NEPAL The streets that line the city where Radford and Sarah Bagby (names changed) live are the kind people in the United States would find to go four-wheeler riding. “Get outside of that, and it’s so much worse,” Radford says. And outside…

Praying for International Missions

During the months of December 2017 and January 2018 we will be praying for international missions in conjunction with the Lottie Moon Offering time.  This week we’re looking at “Why Prayer Matters” (from the IMB 2017 Week of Prayer for International Missions prayer guide). WHY PRAYER MATTERS  When it comes to praying for missionaries, International…

How Smartphones Hijack Our Minds

In a recent article in the Wall Street Journal Nicholas Carr gives some troubling research about the impact of smartphone on our ability to concentrate. He reveals that students who have access to smartphones in class drop one letter grade. The impact of smartphones on us and our culture is yet to be known.  Their impact will unfold in the next 10 to 15 years. There are…