Blog (Page 34)

Blog (Page 34)

Scripture Memory for August

We are embarking on a church-wide Scripture memory effort.  More information will be rolled out as we move toward the launch date of Aug. 31st.  Here are to passages the church is being asked to commit to memory as we work through Proverbs preaching series.  Enjoy! (Proverbs 9:10 ESV) [10] The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One…

Let God Speak

Yesterday I attended the Let God Speak Conference at Grace Church in Des Moines. I sat with about 30 other pastors from around the area (mostly BCI guys) to be encouraged by God’s word.  Dr. Jason Allen, president of Mid-Western Theological Seminary, preached the message.  I thought I would share with you my notes from his sermon.  I hope you enjoy my outline from…

Journaling as a Means of Grace!

If you do not use a spiritual journal, you might want to consider using one.  Journaling is a great way to write down what God is teaching you and pouring out your heart in prayer.  I have been journaling for over twenty years and my journaling is like a spiritual path I can look back on and see where I have been. I am always blessed when I read over some of my journal…

For Husbands Only!

I got this blog from one of our young men in our church and wanted to pass along to you its wisdom.  I love it when our young single men strive to know what it means to be a husband.  Enjoy!

Five Reflections for the Pro-Life Movement

In this month’s issue of SBC Life there are two excellent pro-life articles .  One is “Living on the Grace Side of Abortion” and the other is “Five Reflections for the Pro-Life Movement”.  Both are excellent reads.  Here is the link:

5 Things to Do Before Leaving Your Church

Leaving a church is never easy.  With that in mind, when it comes to the point where you must leave a church family because of some issue, how do you do it where God is glorified, the church edified and your conscience is clear?  Over my 20 plus years of ministry, I have seen it done in some very unhealthy ways. Thabiti Anyabwile, pastor of Grand Cayman Island Baptist…