Blog (Page 18)

Blog (Page 18)

Announcements for February 10

UPCOMING ACTIVITIES MEMBERSHIP CLASS: Interested in becoming a Member of GABC? A Foundations of Membership Class will be held TODAY, February 10, from 1-4 pm in Room 102. This class covers our faith and practice. It is open to anyone wishing to learn more about life at GABC. Register at or contact our church office ( BIBLE…

Lottie Moon Emphasis

THE PATH TO HOPE The world has more refugees today than ever before in recorded history. They’re on the move across dangerous seas. They’re trekking on foot over mountain ranges. They’re trying to create a life for themselves in a new country with nothing but the clothes on their back. And in the midst of their heartbreaking story, many refugees have walked right into the…

Lottie Moon Emphasis

KEEPING THE WELL FROM RUNNING DRY At the end of a beaten-up road in Tanzania, a small hospital occasionally gets as full as it can get, and then runs on empty. In the past, it’s had moments where sick children slept two or three to a bed. It’s had moments where anesthetic drugs for C-sections and suture materials for surgery have run out. But the situation has never…

Lottie Moon Emphasis

COMING BACK CHANGED Keith Wieser said he’s found a surefire way to develop courage in sharing your faith—go to East Asia. Over the past three years, more than 80 students have participated in his church’s partnership with IMB workers in that region, going there to serve for 10 weeks in the summer or two weeks on Christmas break. That experience changes everything, said…

Lottie Moon Emphasis

NOT A “FLASH IN THE PAN” J.D. Greear says his church’s partnership with IMB missionaries is more than just a partnership—it’s a front-row seat to some of God’s most exciting work in hard-to-reach places. “The most significant things in the world are happening through the church that God is building,,” said J.D., pastor of The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, North…