Blog (Page 19)
Service Preview for February 10
Announcements for February 3
Service Preview for February 3
Announcements for January 27
Service Preview for January 27
Lottie Moon Emphasis
THE PATH TO HOPE The world has more refugees today than ever before in recorded history. They’re on the move across dangerous seas. They’re trekking on foot over mountain ranges. They’re trying to create a life for themselves in a new country with nothing but the clothes on their back. And in the midst of their heartbreaking story, many refugees have walked right into the…
Announcements for January 20
Service Preview for January 20
Lottie Moon Emphasis
KEEPING THE WELL FROM RUNNING DRY At the end of a beaten-up road in Tanzania, a small hospital occasionally gets as full as it can get, and then runs on empty. In the past, it’s had moments where sick children slept two or three to a bed. It’s had moments where anesthetic drugs for C-sections and suture materials for surgery have run out. But the situation has never…
Announcements for January 13
Service Preview for January 13
Lottie Moon Emphasis
COMING BACK CHANGED Keith Wieser said he’s found a surefire way to develop courage in sharing your faith—go to East Asia. Over the past three years, more than 80 students have participated in his church’s partnership with IMB workers in that region, going there to serve for 10 weeks in the summer or two weeks on Christmas break. That experience changes everything, said…
Announcements for January 6
Service Preview for January 6
Lottie Moon Emphasis
NOT A “FLASH IN THE PAN” J.D. Greear says his church’s partnership with IMB missionaries is more than just a partnership—it’s a front-row seat to some of God’s most exciting work in hard-to-reach places. “The most significant things in the world are happening through the church that God is building,,” said J.D., pastor of The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, North…
Announcements and Schedules for December 30
Service Preview for December 30
Lottie Moon Emphasis
A PIECE OF THE PUZZLE Every single week, Pastor Fabio in Brazil makes it into the prayers of a few hundred people in Kentucky. Chris Platt, pastor of Highland Baptist Church in Shelbyville, says that’s because they’ve met Fabio—and that in turn has made missions personal. Ever since Chris’s church partnered with the work of IMB missionaries Scott and Joyce Pittman in Sao…
Announcements and Schedules for December 23
Service Preview for December 23
Lottie Moon Emphasis
A “MIRACLE” PARTNERSHIP Four years ago when IMB worker Edwin Feather (name changed) set out to reach a large city in Southeast Asia, Daniel Tuchez was there. Daniel’s team wasn’t just the first Hispanic missions team to partner with Edwin in that city; it was the first team, period. And Daniel, who serves as pastor of Iglesia Bautista El Shaddai in Jackson, Tennessee,…
Announcements and schedules for December 16
Service Preview for December 16
Lottie Moon Emphasis
A SMALL CHURCH’S BIG DREAM A few years ago, Pastor Steve Lakin’s small church took a big leap of faith. They had a large budget surplus, and they weren’t sure how to use it. But after some praying and dreaming, First Baptist Church of Andersonville, Tennessee, congregation of 125, decided to commit to something radical. They decided to raise $90,000, the equivalent…