Blog (Page 23)

Blog (Page 23)

Prayer for International Missions Week 7

LOTTIE MOON EMPHASIS PRAYER FOR INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS MIKESKA FAMILY IN LONDON At Shane and Lindsay Mikeska’s house in London, Christmas tradition is anything but traditional. Holiday after holiday, the world converges in their kitchen. “Last year, we had an Iranian student and Indian student baking Christmas cookies with a girl from Lebanon and another from Hong Kong,”…

Praying for International Missions Week 6

LOTTIE MOON EMPHASIS PRAYER FOR INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS THE FORGOTTEN REFUGEE Don Alan (name changed) says he remembers a refugee telling him once that he didn’t feel alive, but he wasn’t dead either—he was somewhere in between. “Hopelessness is a universal feeling among refugees,” Don said. “They feel forgotten.” That’s why IMB missionaries like Don, who serves in North…

Praying for International Missions Week 5

LOTTIE MOON EMPHASIS  PRAYER FOR INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS  MEXICO CITY TEAM  When you’re a team of 12, how do you even start to reach a city of more than 28 million people? That’s a question Todd Beel’s team in Mexico City asks itself a lot. He and fellow IMB missionaries in the megacity hail from places ranging from Colombia to Cuba and from Korea to Tennessee. They…

Praying for International Missions Week 4

LOTTIE MOON EMPHASIS PRAYER FOR INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS JONES FAMILY IN JAPAN Jared and Tara Jones knew that God could do a lot with something little. But they never imagined just how many doors He would open through their infant son, whose adoption people had told them was almost impossible in Japan. In the East Asian country, 40,000 children live in orphanages, but…

Praying for International Missions Week 3

LOTTIE MOON EMPHASIS PRAYER FOR INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS MUSLIMS OF RUSSIA When most people think of Russia, they may conjure up images of Romanov royalty, a parade of dictators like Stalin and Lenin or Brezhnev, or maybe cultural icons such as Mikhail Baryshnikov or Dostoyevsky. They don’t think of Muslims. But Islam is part of the fabric of old Russia—it made it there 66…