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grow 252 Children’s Program Kickoff
Wednesday evening, September 6th, is our grow 252 children’s program kickoff. The entire family is welcome to join us as we launch a new year of grow 252. There will be a bounce house for children and walking tacos for your entire family! Preschoolers are welcome to use the bounce house from 5:30 – 6:00 pm. Elementary children from 6:00 – 7:15 pm. …
Save the Dates — Fall Micro-Conferences Coming to Ames
Please mark your calendars for two free micro-conferences coming to Ames this fall: September 29-30 — Parenting Conference at GABC On Friday evening and Saturday morning, we’ll gather to worship, hear speakers from the ERLC Parenting Conference, and then spend time in conversation about…
Service Preview for July 23
Announcements and Schedules for June 11
Announcements and Schedules for May 28
Announcements and Schedules for May 21
ANNOUNCEMENTS MEMBERSHIP CLASS: Interested in becoming a Member of GABC? A 3-part Foundations of Membership Class will be held on Wednesday evenings of May 10, 17, and 24. Let us know of your interest via our on-line form (outrageous-unicorn.flywheelsites.com/membership) or by contacting our church office (info@gabcames.org). WALK FOR LIFE: The 2017 Informed Choices…
Service Preview for May 21
Movie Night – June 3 – 7:00 PM
Announcements and Schedules for May 7th
Announcements & Schedules for Sunday, April 30
ANNOUNCEMENTS COLLEGE LUNCH: College lunch, April 30th, Fellowship Hall at noon. Please join us for a special meal, hosted by the Trabue’s small group. We’ll congratulate those who are completing this leg of their educational journey! And, we plan to celebrate the large number of…
Service Preview for Sunday, April 23rd
Call To Worship We confess the supremacy of God in Christ through both responsive reading and song. Our Spoken Call to Worship The earth is the LORD’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it; for he has founded it on the seas, And established it on the rivers. Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD? And who shall stand in his holy place? Those who have…
Invite a Friend to Study Colossians
Join us as Pastor Michael Felkins preaches through the book of Colossians, beginning February 5. Why not invite a friend who doesn’t have a church home to join you in studying through one short book of the Bible? Encourage them to attend church with you (or listen on-line) and then meet over coffee to discuss what they’re learning.
GRACE: February-April Women’s Bible Study
Our February-April GABC Women’s Bible Study will study Grace: A Bible Study on Ephesians for Women by Keri Folmar. (To preview the first lesson visit here. Keri is the same author and series as the Fall study on Philippians.) Meeting times: Tuesday Mornings — From 8:45 to 10:15 am starting…
Youth Snow Tubing
WHAT: Snow Tubing! WHERE: Seven Oaks Recreation in Boone, IA (click here for directions) WHEN: Saturday, February 18th, 10:45am-1:00pm WHY: Fun! Other important questions: Who can come? All of our GABC youth (6th-12th grades) and their friends! What will I eat? Seven Oaks has a concession stand our students are welcome to visit as they choose — please bring money for this…
Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Service Times
Join us at 6:00 pm on Christmas Eve and at 10:30 am on Christmas Day.
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