Blog (Page 14)

Blog (Page 14)

Lottie Moon Emphasis

LOTTIE MOON EMPHASIS A SEASON OF CHANGE It’s tough to live where Kristin Luttrell and Rachel Sebastian serve as IMB missionaries in Mexico—there’s not much they can change, practically speaking. They can’t change the fact that people there do back-breaking work in the fields. They can’t change the fact that after that, the people work night shifts at the packaging plant,…

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Emphasis

LOTTIE MOON EMPHASIS Here to Serve IMB President Dr. Paul Chitwood knew missionaries faced challenges in taking the gospel to the unreached. But on a recent trip to East Africa, every ride down a dusty road and every walk down a city street was a reminder that every single missionary faces unique struggles. And every single prayer for a missionary matters. So Paul offered…

Missions Evening Nov. 10th (Please RSVP)

Dear Grand, As you may recall, every Christmas we as a church have participated in Operation Christmas Child’s shoebox program, as a way to bring the good news of Jesus’ incarnation to needy children around the world. This year we are planning a variation on that theme, one that will allow us to participate with a ministry supported by our church. Instead of sending…

Harvest Party

It was a great afternoon and evening at the Harvest Party that Duane and Danelle Jensen hosted. Games were played, hayrides were taken, hot dogs were roasted, and many fall desserts were served. Thank you to Duane and Danelle for hosting the party and to Julie Sulc and her social events team for all of their work in preparation and carrying out the event. Some photos from…

The Joshua Project

Dear Grand, I want to make you aware of a mission’s website and mobile app that is designed to help us pray for the nations to come to faith in Jesus. It is called the Joshua Project. There are lots of tools and information on their website about how to pray for people groups around the world that have not yet been reached with the gospel of our Savior. One of the best…