Blog (Page 30)

Blog (Page 30)

Learn to Share the Hope of Christ with Muslims

The Crescent Project is presenting a Bridges Seminar at Grace Church in Des Moines on Saturday, October 24 from 9am-4pm (lunch included). The training seminary is for Christians to learn how to share the hope of Christ with Muslims. Did you know? Islam is the fastest growing religion in the United…

Seven Subtle Symptoms of a Deadly Disease

In his essay on undetected pride, Jonathan Edwards identified seven symptoms of the disease of pride. In a recent post, “Seven Subtle Symptoms of Pride,” Fabienne Harford outlines these symptoms: Fault-Finding A Harsh Spirit Superficiality Defensiveness Presumption Before God Desperation for Attention Neglecting Others Visit the blog post to read her brief…

Prayer Guide for July 8

Download our Prayer Guide for July 8, 2015, focusing on selected International Christian Radio & TV ministries. All are welcome to join us on Wednesdays (6:30-8:00 pm) for our Corporate Prayer Time at Grand Avenue. Childcare is provided.